Candice had an "aha" moment 15 years ago during a massage training in Thailand. An instructor informed her that specific belly work could be performed to induce fertility. This comment inspired and set her on a passion and mission to further her education. This event eventually led Candice to learn the core of the work, deep in the jungles of Mexico and Central America. It was here where she learned Mayan Abdominal Work and ancient techniques from traditional healers and midwives.

Following her transformative journey, Candice returned to the States with an unwavering commitment to her mission. Seeking further expertise, she collaborated with a Naturopathic Doctor and Midwife to master Mercier Therapy—an evidence-based approach to fertility boasting an impressive 83% success rate.

This work is useful for balancing the uterus to help with the following:

  • natural fertility

  • IVF & IUI support

  • Pregnancy discomforts

  • Labor preparation, and postpartum healing

With over two decades of experience in the holistic field, Candice specializes in fertility and employs techniques such as visceral manipulation through Mercier Therapy and Mayan Abdominal Therapy. But that's not all – she integrates the powerful benefits of Sound Healing, Vaginal Steams, and various forms of energy work to harmonize hormones and nurture the uterus.

Her passion for this work runs deep, as she has been in your shoes before. She has dedicated years to understanding the intricacies of reproductive health. She would be truly honored to accompany you on your path to fertility.